Category Yoga

The Guest Blog: Breathe Easy By Lauren Krauze

Alas, as I progressed with my meditation practice, the distressed breathing remained right there to greet me. Coming face-to-face with my breathing did not bring me into the coveted present moment; it dredged up memories of coughing during soccer practice and waking up in the middle of the night gasping for air.
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Fear of Falling by Allison Richard

But as our minds tend to do, I quickly followed that loving thought with a negative one. I began to feel the physical pain. I looked at my hands. Both of my palms were scraped and bleeding. There was a hole in my pants and my knee was bleeding and throbbing. I immediately began berating myself for not fighting harder to stay upright.
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The Guest Blog: Let It Go By Jess Marshall

I recently came across a quote by Daniell Koepke about only doing and being around what makes you happy. I really felt a connection and understanding to the quote with different situations in my life, some past and some present.
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I WENT TO A SHALA By Kathleen Kraft

to what you need to say
then lie down and die for a while.
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The Guest Blog: Choose Contentment- Don’t Chase It By Sage B. Hobbs

Sometimes it feels like we are all running a really long, fast, and hard race. Zipping around, trying to get “a million things done.” Never completing our endless to-do lists. And then feeling guilty about it.
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Everyone Needs A Little Bit Of Cancer By Cynthia Kling

I heard someone say once – “everyone should have a little bit of cancer.” What? The idea threw me because I try as best as I can to stay away from the dreaded C disease by having my mammogram, watching my diet, red wine, blah, blah, blah.
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The Guest Blog: The Divinity of Overwhelm By Nisha Moodley

Overwhelm is a sign that there are big things happening in your life, and that you are being called to create more space, to pay more attention, to grow. What is important is how we respond to overwhelm. Do we get lost in it, or dance with it?
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We All Want To Soften By Kathleen Kraft

And there’s the super fit woman who comes in right under the wire, doesn’t make too much eye contact, and slips out of class right at the end. She wants to soften too. I feel this when I assist her in a reclined spinal twist. The gradual sigh. Giving it up for a few breaths.
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The Guest Blog: Yoga Meets Wardrobe Malfunction By Pilar Carrillo Taylor

I took a hot yoga class last night for the first time in years. We do some breathing. The teacher announces it’s time to focus for the next 90 minutes and “stop fidgeting”. Then one of the straps on my top snaps in proper wardrobe malfunction style.
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The Guest Blog: The Art of the Sunset By C.J. Gronner

2015 has already been about the most spectacular year on record for sunsets. The SUNSETS we’ve seen! When I lived in Hawai’i, every evening people would stop and gather for “Sunset Hour” instead of Happy Hour.
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